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SOC and Feeds

Swarm provides the ability to store content in content-addressed chunks or Single Owner Chunks (SOC). With single owner chunks, a user can assign arbitrary data to an address and attest chunk integrity with their digital signature.

Feeds are a unique feature of Swarm. They constitute the primary use case for single owner chunks. Developers can use Feeds to version revisions of a mutable resource, indexing sequential updates to a topic, publish the parts to streams, or post consecutive messages in a communication channel. Feeds implement persisted pull-messaging and can also be interpreted as a pub-sub system.

Because Feeds are built on top of SOCs, their interfaces are somewhat similar and use common concepts.

Single Owner Chunks

Bee-js calculates a SOC address as the hash of an identifier and owner. The identifier is a 32 bytes long arbitrary data, usually expected as a hex string or a Uint8Array. The owner is an Ethereum address that consists of 20 bytes in a format of a hex string or Uint8Array.

SOCs are immutable!

You might be tempted to modify a SOC's content to "update" the chunk. Reuploading of SOC is forbidden in Swarm as it might create uncertain behavior. Bee node will reject the API call if it finds already existing SOC for the given address. Either use a different identifier, or you might be looking for Feeds as your use case.

Reading SOCs

To read data from a SOC, we need to make a reader object bound to a specific owner. Then we can download the data with the provided chunk's identifier.

const owner = '0x8d3766440f0d7b949a5e32995d09619a7f86e632'
const socReader = bee.makeSOCReader(owner)
const identifier = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const soc = await
const data = soc.payload()

Writing SOCs

When writing a SOC, first, we need to make a writer object. Because we need to sign the chunk, we need to pass in a signer object. The signer object can be either an Ethereum private key (as a hex string or Uint8Array) or an instance of the Signer interface. The Signer interface can be used for integration with 3rd party Ethereum wallet applications because Swarm uses the same format for signing chunks that Ethereum uses for signing transactions.

Default signer

When you are instantiating Bee class you can pass it a default signer that will be used if you won't specify it directly for the makeSOCWriter. See Bee constructor for more info.

Ethereum Wallet signers

If you want to use your browser Ethereum Wallet like Metamask you can use utility called makeEthereumWalletSigner that we ship with bee-js which creates a Signer object out of given EIP-1193 compatible provider.

See it used in our example here.

import { Utils } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'

const signer = Utils.makeEthereumWalletSigner(window.ethereum)
type SyncSigner = (digest: Data) => Signature | string
type AsyncSigner = (digest: Data) => Promise<Signature | string>

* Interface for implementing Ethereum compatible signing.
* @property sign The sign function that can be sync or async
* @property address The Ethereum address of the signer
export type Signer = {
sign: SyncSigner | AsyncSigner
address: EthAddress
Your communication privacy may be at risk

We suggest using either ephemeral private keys (e.g. randomly generated) or the Signer interface when writing to SOC or Feeds. Never use your real Ethereum private keys here (or in any web applications really) directly because you may lose your funds stored on it.

Using the writer interface is similar to using the reader:

const postageBatchId = await bee.createPostageBatch("100", 17)
const signer = '0x634fb5a872396d9693e5c9f9d7233cfa93f395c093371017ff44aa9ae6564cdd'
const socWriter = bee.makeSOCWriter(signer)
const identifier = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])
const response = await socWriter.upload(postageBatchId, identifier, data)


Feeds are an abstraction built on top of SOCs to provide mutable resources on the otherwise immutable data types that Swarm supports.

One of the most common use cases for feeds is to store mutable data in an immutable address. For example, when hosting a website on Swarm, we may want its address stored in ENS, but we don't want to pay for changing the reference every time the site is updated.

A feed is defined by its owner (see above), a topic (32 bytes arbitrary data as a hex string or Uint8Array), and a type. type defines how the updates and lookup of the feed index are made (currently only the sequence type is supported).

The publisher is the owner of the feed, and only they can post updates to the feed. Posting an update requires (1) constructing the identifier from the topic and the correct index and (2) signing it concatenated together with the hash of the arbitrary content of the update.

Conversely, users can consume a feed by retrieving the chunk by its address. Retrieving an update requires the consumer to construct the address from the owner’s address and the identifier. To calculate the identifier, they need the topic and the appropriate index. For this, they need to know the indexing scheme.

Feeds enable Swarm users to represent a sequence of content updates. The content of the update is the payload that the feed owner signs against the identifier. The payload can be a swarm reference from which the user can retrieve the associated data.


In Swarm, topic is a 32-byte long arbitrary byte array. It's possible to choose an arbitrary topic for each application, and then knowing someone's (or something's) address, it's possible to find their feeds. Also, this can be the hash of a human-readable string, specifying the topic and optionally the subtopic of the feed. There is a helper function provided for that:

const topic = bee.makeFeedTopic('my-dapp.eth/outbox')

High level JSON API

Many applications are storing or manipulating data in JSON. bee-js has convenience high level API to use feeds with JSON objects. It consists of two methods:

  • setJsonFeed method to set JSON compatible data to feed
  • getJsonFeed method to get JSON compatible data (and parse them) from feed
Bee's instance signer

You can pass a Signer (or compatible data) into Bee class constructor, which then will be used as default Signer.

const postageBatchId = await bee.createPostageBatch("100", 17)

await bee.setJsonFeed(
'some cool arbitraty topic',
{ some: ['cool', { json: 'compatible' }, 'object']},
{ signer: '0x634fb5a872396d9693e5c9f9d7233cfa93f395c093371017ff44aa9ae6564cdd' }

const data = await bee.getJsonFeed(
'some cool arbitraty topic',
{ signer: '0x634fb5a872396d9693e5c9f9d7233cfa93f395c093371017ff44aa9ae6564cdd' }

// Prints: { some: ['cool', { json: 'compatible' }, 'object']}

Low level API

Low level API is an API that is more flexible in its usage, but requires better understanding and mainly more method calls.

Reading feeds

To read data from a feed, we need to make a reader object for a specific type, topic and owner, then we can download the latest update containing a reference.

const topic = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const owner = '0x8d3766440f0d7b949a5e32995d09619a7f86e632'
const feedReader = bee.makeFeedReader('sequence', topic, owner)
const feedUpdate = await
console.log(feedUpdate.reference) // prints the latest reference stored in the feed

Writing feeds

When writing a feed, typically an immutable content is uploaded first, and then its reference is updated in the feed. The signer here is the same as with writing the SOCs (with the same caveats!).

const postageBatchId = await bee.createPostageBatch("100", 17)
const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])
const reference = await bee.uploadData(data)
const topic = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const signer = '0x634fb5a872396d9693e5c9f9d7233cfa93f395c093371017ff44aa9ae6564cdd'
const feedWriter = bee.makeFeedWriter('sequence', topic, signer)
const response = await feedWriter.upload(postageBatchId, reference)

Using feed manifest

One of the most common use cases for feeds is to store mutable data in an immutable address. For example, when hosting a website on Swarm, we may want its address stored in ENS, but we don't want to pay for changing the reference every time the site is updated.

Swarm provides a feature called "feed manifests" for this use case. It is a content-addressed chunk that stores a feed's definition (the type, the topic, and the owner). When it is looked up using the bzz endpoint, Swarm recognizes that it refers to a feed and continues the lookup according to the feed parameters.

const postageBatchId = await bee.createPostageBatch("100", 17)
const topic = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const owner = '0x8d3766440f0d7b949a5e32995d09619a7f86e632'
const reference = bee.createFeedManifest(postageBatchId, 'sequence', topic, owner)

This creates the feed manifest chunk on Swarm. You can use the returned reference to look up with the /bzz endpoint or use it with ENS.